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Rain Programming Language by nikeedev (r.nikee.dev)
nine_k 2 days ago [-]
Since it's in the very early stages, that's what I'm missing here:

- The rationale. What is the problem, and why a new language solves the problem better than the existing ones. Are there killer features?

- The main motifs of the language. There is a bunch of known ways to build a language; which are followed, and what are new ideas, if any? (Packaging well-known ideas well is totally OK.) In particular, approaches to mutability, purity, type system, classes/objects, async, parallel, safety (lifetimes, UB, etc), resource control (GC, RC, RTTI, etc).

- Modularity within the language, and interaction with third-party libraries (e.g. FFI).

- The target(s): native code generation, a VM, WASM, JS, transpiling through C, etc.

After that, specific language features and syntax niceties become much easier to reason about.

rad_gruchalski 3 days ago [-]
Little bit more about the language: https://github.com/nikeedev/rain-lang/blob/main/language_syn.... I like that syntax.
Minor49er 2 days ago [-]
Semicolons appear to end statements, but are also optional, given the examples. Is this just because JavaScript allows it?
konaraddi 2 days ago [-]
The `once` is a cool idea, looks like it expresses “this may be mutated many times but used at most once”
brudgers 3 days ago [-]
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3 days ago [-]
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