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CCC 2024 Videos Index (cdn.media.ccc.de)
sllabres 18 hours ago [-]
If one prefers a web page instead of a classical FTP download directory:


1vuio0pswjnm7 18 hours ago [-]


AntennaPod^1 or other podcast app

1. Add podcast | Add podcast by RSS address


mr_mitm 17 hours ago [-]
Unfortunately, they didn't install a valid certificate:

> Firefox does not trust https://ftp.ccc.de/congress/2024/h264-hd/ because its certificate issuer is unknown, the certificate is self-signed, or the server is not sending the correct intermediate certificates.

Edit: https://ftp.media.ccc.de/congress/2024/h264-hd/ is probably what OP meant to share.

zxexz 17 hours ago [-]
Yeah, the CN is cdn.media.ccc.de, and SANs on the cert are DNS Name: berlin-ak.cdn.media.ccc.de, berlin-ak.ftp.media.ccc.de, cdn.media.ccc.de, ftp.media.ccc.de, static.media.ccc.de. Unfortunate submission typo! I've done similar a few times.

Maybe @dang or one of the moderators can swap to the link in your edit!

asdf1145 17 hours ago [-]
zxexz 17 hours ago [-]
It's an open congress put on by a German club, and people giving talks aren't being _told_ to give talks in German. If someone is more comfortable presenting in their native language, why shouldn't they?
asdf1145 17 hours ago [-]
communication is a 2 way process. Languages are just a tool. One might be proficient in one language but it may still not be the best tool for reaching a wider audience
crtasm 16 hours ago [-]
It looks to me that almost every talk on there is in English or has an English translation track: https://ftp.media.ccc.de/congress/2024/h264-hd/
17 hours ago [-]
treve 16 hours ago [-]
How dare the Germans organize an event in Germany insist on speaking German.
asdfasdf1 15 hours ago [-]
Their target audience is global. Plus, those talks are virtually like a curriculum vitae or portfolio for those speakers. They are only limiting themselves. I speak 5 languages & I would never use anything but English on internet, but that's just me, I prefer to be understood by 99% instead of 1% of my audience when I speak.
eptcyka 2 hours ago [-]
No, their target aufience is German. CCC is German. Their target audience for these talks is the live audience which consists of a variety of different ethnicities, but it is dominated by the german hacker clubs which form the CCC. Have you ever been to a chaos event?
jazzyjackson 17 hours ago [-]
How entitled can you be
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